How to upload content to your Media Gallery

This article summarizes the step required to upload content to your Media Gallery in the virtual platform.

When uploading content to the platform to use either within the event or fair itself or as part of a virtual booth you will need to use the Media Gallery.

The upload process is the same throughout the platform.

To upload content to the Media Gallery:

  1. Click on the grey box labelled either No File Chosen or the platform file location as existing item within the corresponding field.

  2. After clicking the grey box the Media Gallery window will open. In the Media Galley window highlight the appropriate tab for the content you are uploading:
    1. Images
    2. Videos
    3. Documents
  3. Once you have selected the appropriate tab click on the Upload New button in the top left hand corner.

  4. In the Upload File dialog box click on Choose files and locate the file on your local system and click open, then Submit.

  5. The file will now appear in your Media Gallery. Click on select underneath the item to choose the file. 
  6. The Media Gallery window will close and the platform file name will now appear in the respective field.